Got My Bicycle Back

It's okay to Laugh out Loud

Moderator: SMLCHNG

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Got My Bicycle Back

Post by palmettopirate »

Cletus was walking around in his small town one day and saw the town preacher walking around. Now old Cletus didn't go to church but he knew the preacher and knew he always rode his bicycle for transportation.

Cletus said, "Hey preacher, where's your bicycle?"

Preacher said, "I don't rightly know. It's just gone. I'm kinda drawing a blank."

Cletus said, "Tell you what you need to do preacher. Come Sunday when you get in that pulpit you preach on The ten Commandments, and when you get to Thou Shalt Not Steal you bear down real hard on it and maybe somebody will come under conviction and bring your bike back."

Preacher said, " I might just try that."

The next week Cletus saw the preacher riding around town on his bicycle.

He stopped him and said, "Did you do what I told you to do and preach on The Ten Commandments?"

Preacher said, "Yeah."

Cletus said, "And when you got to Thou Shalt Not Steal you beared down real hard on it and that worked?"

Preacher said, "Well not exactly."

Cletus said, "what do you mean, I see you got your bike back?"

Preacher said, "Well when I got to Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery I remembered where I left my bike."
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Re: Got My Bicycle Back

Post by SMLCHNG »

:lol: :lol: :lol:
big john
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Re: Got My Bicycle Back

Post by big john »

Ha! That's a good one!
Who's got the rum?
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