Thanks, everyone for voting! We are climbing up there...
rmissbrook wrote:Dang, can you only vote once? I just went back in to vote and can't get to the option. Am I missing something?
That's right, Kay, you can only vote once per charity. BUT if you quickly use your 19 other votes, voting for very low or very high ranking charities (so they don't compete with ours), then you get to give away a gift vote.
I have already received about three gift votes, and I could only use ONE for my Coastal Plain CASA charity. So, I suggest anyone who receives gift votes send them to other people on this list, such as Kay Brook, Penny Ester, those are the only full names I know off the top of my head. Then Kay, Penny, Barbara, Nancy, others can use them to vote for Coastal Plain CASA and count even more toward our goal of $20,000.
People can post when they get their gift votes, so others can choose another name. Complicated, I know, but that's the way it goes!